My WWDC21 project is an AR game!

Guess which monument this is!

This is my WWDC19 project, featuring Apple Park!

I got the World Youth Forum award in Egypt!

This is ARKit, which I use to build AR apps!

I use Swift, which is the language I use for iOS apps!

I have 11 apps on the Apple App Store!

This is the villain in my WWDC20 project!

Let's Stack AR!

Swipy Trash

Kid Calculator, my first app!

Fireworks Builder AR

Ant Panic AR

These are my various apps!

I love all things space!

He's from my app, 'Kid Calculator'!

I made my first game when I was 7!

There's news about me in languages I don't understand!

Video games are fun!

This is my robot!


Hi! I’m Yuma!

Welcome to my website! Let's have a tour, shall we?

And I'm duck, I'll be your (space) pilot for today!

I’m a student, as well as an app developer, 5-time Apple WWDC scholarship winner, and public speaker. I also teach coding in my free time!

I enjoy exploring new and fun technologies such as AR, AI, and Robotics. I hope to use them to make a difference in the future!

Explore this planet to see the projects!

Read below to see some of my Apple WWDC projects and highlights of my journey!

It's a Planet of the Apps!

I created my first app when I was 9 years old, and since then I've published 11 apps on the App Store.

I want to download
all of his apps!

I'm very lucky to have won awards for some of my apps. Read below to learn more about them!

Watch out for the robots, they bite!

Look! That's Apple's
'Game of the Day'!

I started coding when I was six and made some web games. They're very basic (and buggy!) but I learned a lot by making them.

Check out my creations throughout the years. This is how I started out!

These games are simple,
yet fun!

Oh, hey there!

After my skills had improved, I decided to inspire other kids to learn coding, so I started a channel on YouTube called 'Anyone Can Code'.

I believe coding skills are important, and making apps should not feel difficult, so I try to make coding fun through my videos.

Coding seems fun!

Wow, a comet!
Let's check it out!

I've had the opportunity to be featured in several news articles and videos. You can check them out here.

We've made it to the last planet... in one piece!

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed the interplanetary tour and learned a bit about me and my work! You can get in touch with me here.

One more thing...

Have you wondered why there are so many ducks? Play this minigame to find out!

What a fun journey!

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